A selection of multidisciplinary projects to which Stephen has contributed expertise (including as Stephen Crabbe Consulting and as part of Crabbe Consulting Ltd (2006-2020)):

Web_Project_Logo_3DF3D-FORENSICS/FTI - Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence fast track to innovation
PROGRESS - Security of ground based infrastructure and assets operating space systems
Web_Project_Logo_3DF3D-FORENSICS - Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence
besecureBESECURE - Best Practice Enhancers for Security in Urban Regions
Web_Project_Logo_VVVITRUV – Vulnerability Identification Tools for Resilience Enhancements of Urban Environments
fastidFASTID – FAST and efficient international disaster victim IDentification
amass logoAMASS – Autonomous Maritime Surveillance System
Web_Project_Logo_RADIOTECT_pageRADIOTECT – Ultrawideband RADIO application for localisation of hidden people and deTECTion of unauthorised objects
RHEOFILMRHEOFILM - Advanced rheologic & tribologic characterisation of micro/nano scale fluid films and solid thin films
biosens2BIOSENS- Vapour detection, area reduction in demining
demand2DEMAND -Enhancement of three existing technologies and data fusion algorithms for the test and DEmonstration of Multi-sensor lANdmine Detection techniques